Oral thrush is
infection with fungus Candida albicans in oral mucous lining. It appears as creamy
white lesions, usually on tongue or inner cheeks. It can be painful and may
bleed slightly. It can affect roof of mouth, gums, tonsils or pharynx that is
back of throat.
Signs and symptoms – The signs and symptoms of thrush
may develop suddenly with loss of taste and persist for a long time. Lesions
look creamy white or cottage cheese like mostly appear on tongue, inner cheeks
and sometimes on the roof of mouth, gums, tonsils and pharynx. Pain and slight
bleeding may occur. Corners of mouth may be red and cracked. The thrush may
spread into esophagus (food pipe) causing difficulty in swallowing. It can also
spread into trachea (wind pipe) and lungs.
An infant fed on breast may become
fussy and irritable if he gets thrush in mouth. Infection passes between the
infant’s mouth and mother’s breast. Skin of areola (darker, circular area
around nipple) becomes shiny or flaky and nipples become red and itchy and
sensitive. There occur stabbing pains deep within the breast during or between
Causes - Oral thrush and other Candida
infections occur due to weak immune system due to some disease as AIDS, cancer,
diabetes mellitus, vaginal yeast infection, anemia or immuno-suppressive drugs
- oral or inhaled corticosteroids, chemo and radio-therapy or antibiotics
disturbing the natural bacterial flora in the body, some habits as smoking, tobacco
chewing or wearing denture and dry mouth.
Complication - Oral thrush infection may recur in
a healthy person even after being treated but can be more serious for people
with the conditions mentioned in causes. Then the thrush is likely to spread to
other parts of body, mouth or esophagus, digestive tract, to the intestines
making nutrition difficult, also to lungs and liver.
Diagnosis – Oral thrush can be diagnosed
simply by looking at the lesions, but diagnosis can be confirmed by microscopic
examination of a sample. Diagnosis may be confirmed by throat swab culture for
esophageal thrush and endoscopic examination of esophagus, stomach and the
upper part of small intestine (duodenum).
Treatments -
The treatment
is aimed to stop the rapid spread of the fungus and cure it.
Homoeopathic Medicines – As indicated early that the
compensated immunity is the cause of infection, homoeopathy does not treat the
problem locally, as every local manifestation of disease has a support from
patient’s constitution that is physical and mental makeup, which is
representative of function of immune system. Therefore, homoeopathic medicine
would vary accordingly from patient to patient. Here are names of a few
homoeopathic medicines indicated for oral thrush -
Mouth - Thrush
Aethusa, Anantherum
mur., Antimony-tart., Argentum-nit., Arsenicum alb., Asafetida, Baptisia, Borax, Bryonia, Butyric-ac.,
Candida parapsilosis, Carbolic-ac., Carbo-veg., Caulophyllum, Causticum, Chlorpromozinum,
Hepar sulph., Hydrastis, Kali-brom., Kali-chloratum, Kali-iod., Kali-mur., Mercurius solubilis, Mercurius-corrosivus, Muriaticum-ac., Natrum-carb., Natrum-mur., Natrum-phos., Nitric-ac., Nux-vom., Phosphorus, Psorinum, Sarsaparilla, Sempervivum
tectorum., Sepia, Staphysagria, Sulphuric-ac., Sulphur, Thuj
- In case of
infants and nursing mother infection passes back and forth so both mother and
infant should be treated simultaneously. Breast should be cleaned thoroughly
every time before and after feeding.
If a pacifier or a bottle for feeding
is used, a solution of equal parts water and vinegar is used to wash nipples
and pacifiers daily and dried in air to prevent fungus growth.
If a breast pump is used for
certain reason, rinse the detachable parts that come in contact with milk in a
vinegar and water solution.
A breast-feeding mother who has
developed fungal infection should use un-synthetic disposable pads to prevent
the fungus from spreading to clothes. Non-disposable pads and bras should be
washed in hot water with bleach.
Adults or children who have oral
thrush but are otherwise healthy should take unsweetened yogurt or acidophilus
capsules or liquid which help to restore the normal bacterial flora in the
with weakened immune systems
as with HIV infection or using immunosuppressant treatment for some reason need
special attention. Some allopathic antifungal medications may cause liver
damage therefore liver function is needed to be monitored during treatment.
Good oral hygiene – Good oral hygiene has an
important role in preventing growth and spread of candida in body. One should brush and floss, at least twice a
day better after every eating. Infected person should replace toothbrush
frequently until infection clears up. Don't share toothbrushes. Avoid mouthwash
or sprays — they can alter the normal flora in mouth.
Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 1
glass of warm water. Swish it and then spit it out, but don't swallow.
Prevention – To prevent development of
Candida infection sugar and yeast containing food should be limited and mouth
should be thoroughly washed after every eating.
Patient taking corticosteroid
inhalers should rinse their mouth with water or brush teeth after taking
inhaler as cortisones decrease the local immunity.
While taking antibiotics use fresh
yogurt which contain Lactobacillus acidophilus or bifidobacteium to maintain
intestinal flora.
Any vaginal yeast infection
developed during pregnancy should be treated promptly.
Denture wearing persons and
diabetics need a special mouth care. They should brush and floss teeth after
every eating. Denture should be cleaned every night.
Mr. A G 28 years male
CA married Hindu vegetarian
Diagnosis –
Oral Thrush (Candidasis).
For last more
than 6 years the patient was suffering from sores on mucus membrane of mouth
including tongue, the inner surface of cheeks and lips. Vesicular eruption
burst to form raw ulcers covered with white material difficult to scrap and
leave bleeding surface which is painfully sensitive to touch, eating or
drinking anything. Mouth feels dry though moist on examination. Saliva dribbles
during sleep. Has history of the similar suffering at the age of 12 years after
Lower limbs
itching with red eruptions occur after bathing, during winters since 3 years. He
also has decayed, brittle teeth, bilateral renal calculi and head pain from
increased during oral infection. Thirst normal. He desires Chinese food. His perspiration
is offensive and he is a chilly person. Always bath with warm water as cold
bath causes chill. He sleeps on abdomen and gets dreams of office work. Anxiety
about work, mutters after anger, fears high places. He feels better when
alone. He was lean, fair with smooth
H e has a family
history of oral infections, hypertension, renal calculi and diabetes.
14/11/09 Rx
1. Pulsatilla 200 two doses at 10 minutes.
2. Rubrum 30 two pills twice a day for 7 days.
23/11/09 No
relief so took allopathic medicines which relieved him.
Rx 1. Pulsatilla 200 two doses at 10 minutes stat.
2. Tuberculinum 200
two doses at 10 minutes on 8th day.
3. Rubrum 30 two pills twice a day for 15 days.
23/12/09 He was
trouble free but got deep bluish ulcer on lower lip since 3 days. He feels itching
all over after bathing. Cough from irritation in throat.
Rx 1. Phosphorus 30 two doses at 10 minutes stat.
2. P. L. 1M two doses at 10 minutes on 8th day.
3. Rubrum 30 two pills twice a day for 15 days.
26/12/09 He
has painless ulcer in side of lower lip.
Rx Phosphorus 30
thrice a day for 3 days.
12/01/10 He was
relieved but an ulcer has appeared under upper lip. Itching after bath recurred
after medicines were over.
Rx 1. Phosphorus 200
two doses at 10 minutes stat.
2. P. L. 1M two doses at 10 minutes on 8th day.
3. Rubrum 30 two pills twice a day for 30 days.
03/03/10 No
itching. No oral ulcer or thrush. Mouth on examination was found clear.
200 was repeated on 03/03/10 and 22/05/10. A recurrence was reported on 19/06/10
so Phosphorus 1M one dose followed by rubrum was prescribed. Phosphorus 1M was
repeated on 31/07/10, 16/09/, 16/10/10, and 10/11/10.
Thereafter no ulceration or thrush occurred but there was stomatitis from the
next day of Phosphorus 1M, with indented tongue margins and white coated tongue
with profuse salivation.
Merc. Sol. 30
thrice a day for 4 days.
Patient reported relief after very first dose of Merc. sol.
Rx 1. Merc. Sol. 200 two doses at 10 minutes interval.
2. Nihilum 30 two pills twice a day for 14 days.
Merc. sol.
200 was repeated on 13/12/2010 and Merc. sol. 1M one dose on 18/01/11
thereafter no recurrence occurred. Patient was advised to report if require.
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.
Mobile" 09829157926
Email: 1.sewamandir@usa.net, 2.manju_mkt2003@yahoo.co.in
Dr. M. K. Tyagi
Research Officer, Sewa Mandir.
Email: 1.sewamandir@usa.net, 2.manju_mkt2003@yahoo.co.in
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