Anal fissure is an elongated ulcer that is a tear or break in the
skin of the lower anal canal. Anal fissure is usually notice by blood stained
stool or pain during or after defecation. Pain is severe in acute fissure but
with chronic fissure intensity of pain is less. Anal fissure is usually occurs
in posterior mid line of anus, due to unsupported nature and poor perfusion of
anal wall and pelvic floor. In male 90% fissure occur in posterior midline
while in female 40% fissures occur in anterior midline particularly in those
who have borne children.
Symptoms – Anal fissure commonly occurs in
persons of age between 15 to 40 years, more in women in meridian of life. It is
rare in aged because of muscular atony (relaxation) but not rare in children.
Sharp agonizing pain beginning during defecation and lasting for an hour or
more is characteristic of fissure. The pain subsides till the next action of
bowel but it is severe enough so that the patients become constipated rather
than going through the agony of pain. There are periods of remission for days
or weeks.
Prevention – Avoiding strain and careful
anal hygiene after defecation is the theme of preventing anal fissure. To avoid
strain constipation must be prevented by eating enough food and food rich in
dietary fibers, drinking sufficient water and avoiding foods causing
constipation as foods containing caffeine. Diarrhea can also cause anal strain
and should be treated promptly. If toilet paper is used for cleaning it should
be soft.
In an infant and child also sufficient fluid intake should be
ensured. Frequent change of diaper prevents anal fissure in infants.
In a suspected or preexisting fissure lubricating ointment should
be used but hemorrhoid ointment should
not be used as they constrict blood vessels and delay healing.
Treatment – Conventional system suggests
that beside fiber rich diet and mild laxatives to avoid constipation, a fissure
should initially be treated topically and then surgically if required. Locally
nitroglycerin or calcium channel blockers or botulinum toxin (botox) is used to
relax anal sphincter muscles. While systemic absorption of nitroglycerin (even
through the finger used to apply the medicine)causes headache, the botox
injection proved to be less and lesser effective after some time and patient
need to find some other cure or surgery is performed. Surgery is done to reduce
spasm of internal sphincter by anal dilatation or sphincterotomy (incising
lateral wall of internal sphincter). The
side effect of surgery, both dilatation and incision, is mainly
incontinence of stool which is for sometime immediately after operation and in
about 36% cases it persists indefinitely where even solid fecal matter may pass
with uncontrolled release of gases. Recurrences are not uncommon.
Homeopathic treatment causes permanent relief from the fissure.
One of the following or other homoeopathic medicines can be prescribed as per
Acon-lycoctonum, Aesculus hip., Agnus cast., Allium-cepa, Aloe socotrina, Alumina, Anacardium orien., Antim-crud., Apis mel., Argentum-met., Argentum-nit., Arsenic. alb., Arum-triph., Berberis vul., Bryonia, Calcarea carb., Calcarea-flor., Calcarea-phos., Capsicum, Carbo-animalis, Carbo-veg., Carcinocin., Causticum, Chamomilla, Cimex, Colchicum, Collinsonia, Cundurango, Curare, Flouric-acid, Graphites, Gratiola, Hamamelis, Hydrastis, Ignatia,
Iris versicolor, Kali-brom., Kali-carb., Kali-iod., Lacticum-ac., Lachesis, Ledum pal., Medorrhinum, Mercurius sol., Mercurius-dulc., Mercurius-iod.-rubrum, Mezerium, Morganum-gaertner, Morgan-pure, Morphinum, Muriatic-ac., Natrum-mur., Nitric-ac., Nux-vom., Paeonia,
Petroleum, Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Piper-nigrum, Platina, Plumbum met., Plutonium-nit., Podophylum, Ptelea trifol., Ratahnia, Rhus-tox., Sanginaria-nit., Sanicula, Sedum
acre, Sepia, Silicea, Spongia, Strontium-carb., Sulphuric-ac., Sulphur, Syphilinum, Thuja
occ., Triticum-vulg., Viburnum op.
Case – 1. Mr.
D B 31 yrs. male
married hindu vegetarian
Diagnosis – Fissure in ano.
The patient has severe burning, cutting and stitching pains
for last two weeks. There is a constant sense of plug or a wedge in anus.
Aggravated during stool, at night with restlessness cannot lie in any position,.
He was better after stool and bleeding from the fissure. There was bleeding
after stool. Passes stool of normal consistency.
He was sleepless due to pain in fissure. No relief after
Aloe soc. and pothos.
Thirst was increased, three glasses at a time 8 – 10 times a
day. He desired salty food and averse pulses, vegetables.
The patient had appointment
for operation on 5th January and had to get admitted on the 4th.
After taking above mentioned homoeopathic medicines he believed that surgery
was the last solution to this pain he came again for homoeopathic medicine as
pursued by his family members but on the condition that he should get relief by
next day afternoon otherwise he will go for surgery.
03/01/11 Rx Sepia
30 four doses four hourly and report on next day.
04/01/11 Pain was reduced about 20%, there was no bleeding.
So patient decided to continue the trial.
Rx Sepia 30 dose thrice a day and report after 3
05/01/11 Pain was disappeared since forenoon, patient asked
whether to continue with the rest of medicine. Advised to continue treatment
but the patient did not as he remained well thereafter.
Case -2. Generally
people do not correlate their sickness with life situation, physical strain and
mental traumas. The patient in this case suffered for years took many medicines
without relief but got prompt relief when he divulged his traumatic experience
and physician correlated it to his suffering to mental stress and trauma.
Mr. N. K. 30 yrs.
male married vegetarian businessman
Diagnosis – Anal fissure, Hemorrhoids (Piles).
The patient presented on 01/10/09 with problem of recurrent
anal fissure and piles for last three years. He had burning in fissure during
stool, pile swollen and protruded during stool. Stool first hard then soft.
With the above symptoms he was treated with various
medicines as Sulphur, Nux vom., Aloe s., Acid Nitricum, Aesculus h.,
Lycopodium, Hydrastis, Blumia od., Collinsonia, Carica papya Q,
Staphysagria, Thuja oc. etc by myself
and other physicians. The patient was repeatedly queried and every time he
insisted all is well with him except the above two pathology. Thus we lost one
When he visited on 22/11/10, he was asked to describe the
happenings from the time he was perfectly well and when and how the trouble
started and first occurred. He told that his mother was sick for six months
previous to the onset of his trouble. He was emotionally disturbed, stressed
and worried due to precarious state of mother who was diagnosed to have Acute
Myeloid Leucaemia (AML). He did not get financial help and support from
relatives. Mother expired after six months of struggle. Based on his narration
he was prescribed –
22/11/10 Rx 1.
Ignatia 1M two doses at 10 minutes interval.
2. Graphite 30 two pills thrice a day for 15 days.
3. Rubrum 30 two pills once a day for 15 days.
23/04/11 The patient reported after five months. He was relieved of
all symptoms three days after he started the last prescribed medicines. There
is recurrence from last few days after his mother died on 09 April. Now there were swollen piles with mild pain.
Bowels were normal.
Rx 1. Ignatia 1M
two doses at 10 minutes interval.
2. Graphite 30 two pills thrice a day for 15 days.
3. Rubrum 30 two pills once a day for 15 days.
18/05/11 No pain, No swelling.
Rx 1. Nihilum 1M
two doses at 10 minutes interval.
2. Graphite 30 two pills thrice a day for 15 days.
3. Rubrum 200 two pills once a day for 15 days.
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.
Mobile" 09829157926
Dr. M. K. Tyagi
Research Officer, Sewa Mandir.
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