Homoeopathy believes that the life in an organism is a continuous dynamic flux of vital energy which flows from higher to lower levels of existence. Disease is an expression of dynamic alteration in this flux. If this expression is suppressed by some mean at lower level, it is diverted to some higher level of existence. This case signifies the same. As skin expression of the disease was altered by suppressive means depression and emotional disturbances were resulted, such as to that patient was thinking to die but homoeopathy rescued him. The case is rather old but typical of its kind.
Mr. D. 38 years of age, a Hindu male, married since Feb 1984. Vegetarian. Smoker (10-12 cigarettes per/day- stopped since one month). Tea - 4-5 cups/day. (Stopped from last three months).
On 22/6/93, Mr. D presented with eruptions black, oozing thick clear, sticky, odorless fluid on back of hands, on face (forehead, under chin), pinna, nape, in groin region and feet. Itching was intense aggravated from undressing, at night and after bathing, on exposure to sun.
History: In 1974 the patient had a history of clandestine sex. After a few days he got pustules on scrotum with no other illness, subsided in about a month with some local application. After two months he got vesicular eruption all over the body except on face, with general malaise, anguish and apathy subsided in about a month time without treatment. The recurrence continued with aggravation at every change of weather, the eruptions extended to face also. Diagnosed differently as Lichen Planus/ photodermatitis etc. and treated with cortisone orally and locally. Also, took Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic treatment without relief.
In past the patient suffered typhoid long before the onset of the present illness.
Mind: After 18 years of suffering the patient was in a state of despair of recovery and was willing to die. He had been on leave for last 6 months. In these months he visited only to doctors. He passed time in his room with all the lights off, weeping reproaching himself and thinking to end his life. He had aversion to all including his wife, yet desired sympathy. He was homesick, haughty and had a tendency to lament about others. He used to give all his old books, clothes and also free tuitions to poor students.
Sleep was disturbed for last three months, due to itching/burning and discharge. He used to get dreams generally towards morning-mostly amorous and of water.
Had changeable appetite. Increased thirst. Sweats profusely, more on scalp, upper lip and nose. Uneasiness during sweat. Worse becoming cool as well heated. Aversion to bath as aggravated after bathing.
Mother was diabetic and hypertensive. Father had IHD. Elder brother had diabetes.
The patient was lean, dark complexioned, smooth skin except the affected area of face, back of hands, forearms and feet. Tongue moist, indented on margins, clean.
Symptoms selected for prescription: 1. Homesickness, 2. Haughty,
3. Despair, 4. Lamenting, 5. Desires death, 6. Aggravation bathing,
7. Aggravation change of weather, 8. Thermal state, 9. Perspiration aggravate,
10. Thirst increased.
22/6/93 Rx 1. Merc-sol 1M 1 dose
2. S. L. 30 thrice daily for 3 days
20/8/93 Eruptions on Ears, face and hands drying. No aggravation after bathing. Sleep Better. Appetite improved. Went out for marketing (after more than four years). Perspiration profuse on face mainly on forehead. Tenesmus abdomen for two days with 3-4 loose stools daily. Now constipation with appetite decreased since 1 week.
Rx 1. P. L. 200 1 dose
2. S. L. 30 thrice daily x 15 days
16/9/93 Bowel better. Skin-Texture normal. Dry popular eruption. No itching. Coryza better by warm bath.
Rx 1. Rhus-tox 30 thrice a day x 2 day
2. . S. L. 30 thrice daily x 15 days
18/9/93 Coryza - no change.
Rx 1. Rhus-t IM 1dose
2. continue S. L. 30
23/10/93 No anxiety and tiredness. No further change in skin. Coryza again with itching and smarting in eyes. Margins of lids red. Lachrymation.
Rx 1. Caps 30 thrice daily x 3 days
2. . S. L. 30 thrice daily x 15 days
6/11/93 Skin – No change. Coryza - 0
Rx 1. Merc sol 1M 1 dose
2. S. L. 30 thrice daily x 30 days
12/2/94 Perspiration scalp, face and upper lip. Tongue – Stomatitis - sensitive.
Rx 1. Merc Sol 10 M 1 dose
2. S. L. 30 thrice daily x 30 days
5/4/94 Ulcers mouth. Stool initially hard followed by loose.
Rx Sulphuric-acid 30 thrice daily x 3 days
4/5/94 Skin ameliorated. Toothache. Tooth carious at root (X-Ray).
Rx 1. Thuja 0/3 twice daily x7 days
2. S. L. 30 thrice daily x 15 days
17/5/94 Trouble free.
Rx S. L. 30 thrice daily x 30 days
After Thuja the patient is free from all troubles. He is leading a normal life in all spheres till this day (26/01/11).
Dr. M. K. Tyagi
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.Research Officer
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926
Email: 1.sewamandir@usa.net, 2.manju_mkt2003@yahoo.co.in
Dr. M. K. Tyagi
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.Research Officer
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926
Email: 1.sewamandir@usa.net, 2.manju_mkt2003@yahoo.co.in
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