Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the large airways that branch off the trachea. The bronchial tubes carry air into lungs. When these tubes get affected by some irritant as infection of some virus, bacteria or fungus, or gases, smoke, dust particles or some types of pollution, too cold or warm air etc., they swell and thick fluid mucus is formed inside them. This causes cough and difficulty in breathing.
Symptoms lasting up to 90 days are usually classified as acute bronchitis; symptoms lasting longer are usually classified as chronic bronchitis. When chronic bronchitis occurs with decreased expiratory airflow, it is considered a defining characteristic of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Causes of acute bronchitis -
Acute bronchitis occurs most often during the winter, the trouble starts as common cold and travels down to cause acute bronchitis. Contrary to doctors belief researches have shown that viral and not bacterial infection is the common cause of bronchitis. Viral bronchitis may be caused by a number of common viruses, including the influenza virus. Bacterial bronchitis follows a viral upper respiratory infection. Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae are the bacteria that often cause acute bronchitis in young adults. In rare cases, Bordetella pertussis infection (whooping cough) and very rarely, an infection by a fungus can cause acute bronchitis. Exposure to an irritant (such as smoke, dust or pollutants in the air) may cause bronchitis. Smokers, factory workers and people who have chronic lung diseases may have repeated attacks of acute bronchitis and will take more time to recover. Under nutrition increases the risk of upper respiratory tract infections and subsequent acute bronchitis. Children with enlarged tonsils and adenoids, chronic sinus infections, bronchiectasis and allergies have increased risk of repeated episodes of acute bronchitis. .
The viruses spread into air through breathe, sneeze or cough and expectoration or onto people’s hands when they cough. A person can get infected if he/she breathe-in these viruses. One can also get it if one touches a hand that is coated with the viruses.
People who have gastroesophogeal reflux disease (GERD) can develop acute bronchitis when stomach acids get into the bronchial tree.
People who have gastroesophogeal reflux disease (GERD) can develop acute bronchitis when stomach acids get into the bronchial tree.
Symptoms of acute bronchitis -
The symptoms of acute bronchitis can include sore throat, chills and body aches with moderate fever but higher if bronchitis is caused by influenza virus, cough initially dry but later on that may bring up clear, yellow or green mucus. The color change of expectoration does not indicate bacterial infection but it means that the cells associated with inflammation have moved into it. Chest congestion, shortness of breath and wheezing may occur due impairment of airflow may be aggravated or triggered by common exposures, such as inhaling mild irritants (for example perfume, strong odors, or exhaust fumes) or cold air.
In acute bronchitis cough may persist up to several weeks after the other symptoms clear up. It would be the last symptom to go.
Complications - The persons who are older, or who have problems with immune defenses or have advanced underlying chronic lung disease may get serious complications, such as acute respiratory failure or pneumonia.
Diagnosis -
Diagnosis of bronchitis is mainly based on the symptoms. High or prolonged or both fever favours diagnosis of pneumonia. A chest x-ray is done to exclude pneumonia, mainly when the person has breathlessness and there is wheezing or congestion in the lungs.
Throat swab can be used to detect influenza, sputum or a chest x-ray for evidence of pneumonia. If a cough persists for more than 2 months, a chest x-ray is done to exclude an underlying lung disease, such as lung cancer.
Treatment -
Acute bronchitis is a self limiting disease. Take plenty of rest, drink lots of non caffeinated fluids (for example, water and fruit juices). Sometimes increasing the humidity in environment helps reducing irritation so symptoms of limited airflow can be helped with cool-mist humidifiers or steam vaporizers.
Do not suppress a cough that brings up mucus with cough suppressant. Some people may get bronchospasm if mucus expectoration is suppressed. As acute bronchitis is usually caused by viruses, antibiotics do not help. Even if the coughed up mucus is colored or thick, antibiotics may not help.
One should avoid irritating environment and a smoker should quit smoking for faster recovery and healing of bronchial tree.
One should avoid irritating environment and a smoker should quit smoking for faster recovery and healing of bronchial tree.
The cough from acute bronchitis lasts for several weeks or months this as the bronchial tree takes a long time to heal. Still other problem such as asthma or pneumonia should be ruled out.
Homoeopathy offer a good lot of medicines for acute bronchitis but they work well only when selected on the homoeopathic line, so always consult your physician. Following list exemplifies certain conditions and medicines -
Bronchitis acute
Aconitum n., ammonium-carb., am-iod., am-phos., antim-ars., antim-iod., ant-t., ars-iod., ars alb., asclepias-tub., Belladona., blatta-orient., Bromium, Bryonia, Causticum., chamomilla ., colchicum., copaiv., Dulcamara, eupatorium-per., euphrasia, Ferrum-phos, gelsemium., grindelia., Heper sulph., hyoscyamus., Ipecac., Kali-bi., lobelia., mang-act., Mercurius., morgan – pure (bacillus), nat-sulph., nit-ac., Phos., Puls., rhus-t., Rumx.,Sang., Sangin-n., spong., Squilla., sticta., sulph., thuja.,tuberculinum, zincum.
With –
- Constant urging to cough - stann-i.
- Emphysema – Ledum p.
- Fever - ant-t.
- Perspiration; cold - ant-t.
- Respiration; asthmatic - Blatta-o.
- Sleep; comatose - Ant.t.
- Sleepiness – Ant.t., tub.
- Violent complaints - Acon., ant-t., bell., bry.
- Weakness - Ammc.
Alternating with – Diarrhea - Seneg.
Asthmatic - Ephedra.
Coryza followed by complaints of chest -
All-c., am-c., am-m., aral., ars-i., brom., Bry., carb-v., euphr., ign., iod., Ip., kali-c., lac-c., lap-a., lyc., mang., Merc., nux-v., Phos., sang., sep., sil., stict., sulph.
Expectoration difficult - Canth.
Old people - All-c., Am-c., Ammc., ant-c., Ant.t., ars., Camph., Carb-v., Dros., Hippoz., Hydr., kreos., led., Lyc., Nux-v.,Seneg., squil.,verat.
Bronchitis – toxemic - Am-c., ant-t., bry., colch., diphtox., Merc-c.
Cold weather; from – Dulc., hep., ip., mang-act.
Wet weather agg. - Syc.(bacillus sycoccus)
Winter; in - kali-s., sil., syc.
How to prevent bronchitis
A meticulous hygiene personal as well as in our vicinity is the best ways to keep from getting acute bronchitis. Wash hands often to kill any viruses before they get into body. Use handkerchief when coughing or sneezing. Don’t spit any or everywhere, dispose away discharges as sputum etc. in a hygienic manner.
Keep enough protection from weather and seasonal effects.
For smokers the best defense is to quit smoking. Smoking damages bronchial tree and makes it easier for viruses to cause infection. Smoking also slows down the healing process, so it takes longer to get well.
Dr. M. K. Tyagi
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.Research Officer
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926
For smokers the best defense is to quit smoking. Smoking damages bronchial tree and makes it easier for viruses to cause infection. Smoking also slows down the healing process, so it takes longer to get well.
Dr. M. K. Tyagi
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.Research Officer
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926
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