Monday, January 31, 2011


Homoeopathy believes that the life in an organism is a continuous dynamic flux of vital energy which flows from higher to lower levels of existence. Disease is an expression of dynamic alteration in this flux. If this expression is suppressed by some mean at lower level, it is diverted to some higher level of existence. This case signifies the same. As skin expression of the disease was altered by suppressive means depression and emotional disturbances were resulted, such as to that patient was thinking to die but homoeopathy rescued him. The case is rather old but typical of its kind.

 Mr. D. 38 years of age, a Hindu male, married since Feb 1984. Vegetarian. Smoker (10-12 cigarettes per/day- stopped since one month).  Tea - 4-5 cups/day. (Stopped from last three months).
On 22/6/93, Mr. D presented with eruptions black, oozing thick clear, sticky, odorless fluid on back of hands, on face (forehead, under chin), pinna, nape, in groin region and feet. Itching was intense aggravated from undressing, at night and after bathing, on exposure to sun.
History:  In 1974 the patient had a history of clandestine sex. After a few days he got pustules on scrotum with no other illness, subsided in about a month with some local application. After two months he got vesicular eruption all over the body except on face, with general malaise, anguish and apathy subsided in about a month time without treatment. The recurrence continued with aggravation at every change of weather, the eruptions extended to face also. Diagnosed differently as Lichen Planus/ photodermatitis etc. and treated with cortisone orally and locally. Also, took Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic treatment without relief.
In past the patient suffered typhoid long before the onset of the present illness.  

Mind: After 18 years of suffering the patient was in a state of despair of recovery and was willing to die. He had been on leave for last 6 months. In these months he visited only to doctors. He passed time in his room with all the lights off, weeping reproaching himself and thinking to end his life. He had aversion to all including his wife, yet desired sympathy. He was homesick, haughty and had a tendency to lament about others. He used to give all his old books, clothes and also free tuitions to poor students.
Sleep was disturbed for last three months, due to itching/burning and discharge. He used to get dreams generally towards morning-mostly amorous and of water.
Had changeable appetite. Increased thirst. Sweats profusely, more on scalp, upper lip and nose. Uneasiness during sweat. Worse becoming cool as well heated. Aversion to bath as aggravated after bathing.
Mother was diabetic and hypertensive. Father had IHD.  Elder brother had diabetes. 
The patient was lean, dark complexioned, smooth skin except the affected area of face, back of hands, forearms and feet.  Tongue moist, indented on margins, clean.
Symptoms selected for prescription:     1. Homesickness,    2. Haughty, 
3. Despair, 4. Lamenting, 5. Desires death,   6. Aggravation bathing, 
7. Aggravation change of weather, 8. Thermal state, 9. Perspiration aggravate, 
10. Thirst increased.
22/6/93             Rx  1. Merc-sol       1M                  1 dose
                               2. S. L.              30                  thrice daily for 3 days
20/8/93  Eruptions on Ears, face and hands drying. No aggravation after bathing. Sleep Better. Appetite improved. Went out for marketing (after more than four years). Perspiration profuse on face mainly on forehead. Tenesmus abdomen for two days with 3-4 loose stools daily.  Now constipation with appetite decreased since 1 week.
                          Rx  1.  P. L.               200              1 dose
                                2. S. L.                 30              thrice daily x 15 days
16/9/93 Bowel better. Skin-Texture normal. Dry popular eruption.  No itching.                                        Coryza better by warm bath. 
                          Rx  1. Rhus-tox          30              thrice a day x 2 day
                                2. . S. L.               30              thrice daily x 15 days
18/9/93  Coryza - no change.
                           Rx   1.   Rhus-t             IM              1dose
                                  2.  continue  S. L. 30
23/10/93  No anxiety and tiredness. No further change in skin.  Coryza again with itching and smarting in eyes. Margins of lids red.  Lachrymation.
                            Rx   1.  Caps                  30               thrice daily x 3 days
                                   2. . S. L.                  30              thrice daily x 15 days
6/11/93   Skin – No change. Coryza - 0
                            Rx  1.  Merc sol               1M            1 dose
                                  2. S. L.                      30              thrice daily x 30 days
12/2/94    Perspiration scalp, face and upper lip.  Tongue – Stomatitis - sensitive.
                            Rx 1. Merc Sol               10 M              1 dose
                                 2. S. L.                         30                thrice daily x 30 days
5/4/94 Ulcers mouth. Stool initially hard followed by loose.
                             Rx Sulphuric-acid             30               thrice daily x  3 days

4/5/94  Skin ameliorated.  Toothache.  Tooth carious at root (X-Ray).
                                 Rx  1.  Thuja                    0/3         twice daily x7 days
                                       2.  S. L.                      30          thrice daily  x 15 days
17/5/94   Trouble free.
                                 Rx       S. L.                      30          thrice daily x 30 days
After Thuja the patient is free from all troubles. He is leading a normal life in all spheres till this day (26/01/11).

Dr. M. K. Tyagi
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.Research Officer
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926

Monday, January 24, 2011


Gluten is a protein found in wheat (including spelt – a European variety of wheat), barleyrye, malts and triticale (hybrids of wheat - triticum). Many people have gluten intolerance such as patients of celiac disease (a diarrheal condition with failure to thrive – possibly hereditary or metabolic), dermatitis herpetiformis or wheat allergy. These patients need a gluten free diet.
 A gluten-free diet is a diet completely free of gluten. Gluten is also used as a food additive in the form of a flavoring, stabilizing or thickening agent, often hidden under "malto-dextrine", "dextrine"  and "dextrose". A gluten-free diet is the only medically accepted treatment for celiac disease and the related condition dermatitis herpetiformis and wheat allergy. For persons with coeliac disease the maximum safe level of gluten in a finished product is probably less than 0.02% and possibly as low as 0.002%. Ordinary wheat flour contains approximately 12% gluten so even a tiny amount of wheat flour can cross-contaminate a gluten-free product. Therefore, intense  care must be taken to prevent cross-contamination in both commercial and home food preparation. Following article are arranged in the decreasing order of their gluten content –
Wheat flour, Wheat starch, Dextrin, Maltodextrin, Glucose syrup, Dextrose, Caramel color.
 This diet rules out all ordinary BreadsPastas and many convenience food (ready to use packed food to ease cooking); it also excludes gravies, custards, soups and sauces thickened with wheat, rye, barley or other gluten-containing flour.  Non-foodstuffs such as medicines and vitamin supplements, especially those in tablet form, may contain gluten as an excipient or binding agent.
 Additionally, a gluten-free diet may exclude oats , however researchers are not sure on whether oats are an allergen to celiac disease patient or they are contaminated during milling or transport by other allergens.
Gluten-free food - Several grains and starch  sources are considered acceptable for a gluten-free diet. The most frequently used are maizepotatoesrice and tapioca or sago (derived from casava). Other grains and starch sources generally considered suitable for gluten-free diets include amaranth (Ramdana/ chaulai/ rajgiri)arrowrootmillet (bajra), sorgam(jowar), buck wheat (Kuttu), lupin, quinoa, taro and teff.
Amaranthus, collectively known as amaranth, is a cosmopolitan genus of herbs. Approximately 60 species  are recognized. Amaranth "grain” is termed as "pseudo-grain". They are highly edible by gluten intolerant individuals because they are not cereal (member of grass family) and contain no gluten.
Amaranth grains of three species are used Amaranthus caudatusAmaranthus cruentus  and  Amaranthus hypochondriacus.  In India commonly used variety is Amaranthus hypochondriacus commonly known as chaulai/ chowli/ Ram dana in hindi and Raj giri/raj geera in Marthi language. Its plant is used as a vegetable and flour from its seeds can be used for gluten free food.
Arrowroot or obedience plant (Maranta arundinacea) is a large perennial herb found in rain forests. It is cultivated for a starch obtained from the rhizome (rootstock), which is also called arrowroot.
The lack of gluten in arrowroot flour makes it useful as a replacement for wheat flour in baking. Like other pure starches, however, arrowroot is almost pure carbohydrate and devoid of protien , thus it does not equal wheat flour nutritionally. Arrowroot is used as an article of diet in the form of biscuits, puddings, jellies, cakes, hot sauces etc. and also with beef tea, milk or veal broth, noodles.
 Pure arrowroot, like other pure starches, is a light, white crackling  powder, odourless when dry but emitting a faint peculiar odor when mixed with boiling water and swells into a perfect jelly on cooking which can be used to make a food for vegetarians.
Buckwheat - Kutu or kuttoo - Buckwheat is  herb native to Central Asia and is cultivated as minor grain crop in limited pockets of India. It is not related to wheat and pure buckwheat is an acceptable gluten-free diet. The flour is used for making bread and porridge. The commercial buckwheat products are mostly mixtures of wheat and buckwheat flours, and not gluten free.  
The leaves of buckwheat contain Rutin (syn. Hesperidin, Rutoside, Vitamin P). Rutin is a tasteless powder and used to treat capillary bleeding due to increased capillary fragility as in retinal haemorrhages.
 Yam {Sweet potato) – Ratalu in hindi. It is gluten free.
Taro is any of several tropical plants used as root vegetables. Most commonly used are Colocasia esculenta (Arbi/ Arvi in hindi), jimmikand, Alocasia macrorrhizos (giant taro) - Mankanda in hindi - this can numb and swell the tongue and pharynx so it requires prolonged boiling before serving or processing as a food.  
Various types of bean, soyabean and nut flours are sometimes used in gluten-free products to add protien and dietary fiber.

Gram flour, derived from chickpeas – kala Chana is also gluten-free.                                                                               

Lupin – Lupin is a legume which includes several hundreds of species. As a legume, lupin is related to peanuts, soybeans, peas, beans and chick peas. If a person is not allergic to legumes their flour can be used in a variety of goods like bread, pastries and biscuits as gluten free food.                                                                              Several proteins have been identified in lupin to which allergic individuals may react.                     

Quinoa – Quinoa is grain like nutritious food which is gluten free. It does not come from grass family rather it is closely related to beet and spinach. Its seeds cooked and eaten as a whole or flour can be used in different preparations.
Originated in Andes it grows well at altitude upto 4ooo metres. 

Teff - Teff is a grain from a cereal grass grown in Africa. The grains of teff are small; the bulk of the grain consists of the bran and germ. 
Since it is not found in India, we don't seem to have a term for it.
Chia seed - In tamil and in Hindi it is called as SABJA. In this hindi / tamil name it is available in Chennai supermarkets. It is used in Falooda Icecream more.

Gluten is also used in foods in some unexpected ways, for example as a stabilizing agent or thickener in products like ice cream and ketchup.
People need to follow a completely gluten free diet must check the ingredients of any preparation or medications and vitamins. Some cosmetics such as lipstick, lip balms and lip gloss as well as glues used on envelopes may contain gluten so check before use.
Allergies are due to constitutional problem and need a through constitutional homoeopathic treatment and gluten allergy  needs a very careful investigation for the later. Some of the suggested medicines are –
Natrum sulph – 3x or 6x, Natrum mur- 6x, Triticum vulgare in decreasing potencies may be used. Psorinum, Sulphur, Lycopodium, Nux vomica  etc. or some other medicine as indicate by the constitution in potencies  can bring positive changes.

 Dr. M. K. Tyagi
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.Research Officer
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Herpes Genitalis

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a herpes virus. The disease is characterized by the formation of fluid-filled, painful blisters in the genital area. Herpes is the name of a group of viruses that cause painful blisters and sores.

How is genital herpes spread?
Genital herpes is usually spread from one person to another by having sex. The virus can enter your body through a break in your skin or through the skin of your mouth, penis or vagina, urinary tract opening, cervix or anus.
Herpes can also be spread from one place on your body to another, such as from your genitals to your fingers or to other parts of your body. Herpes can also be spread from a mother to her baby when she gives birth.

• Itching or burning feeling in the genital or anal area
• Pain in the legs, buttocks, or genital area
• Discharge of fluid from the vagina
• Feeling of pressure in the abdomen

Within a few days, sores appear near where the virus has entered the body, such as on the mouth, penis, or vagina .They also can occur inside the vagina and on the cervix in women, or in the urinary passage of women and men. Small red bumps appear first, develop into blisters, and then become painful open sores. Over several days, the sores become crusty and then heal without leaving a scar.
Other symptoms that may go with the first episode of genital herpes are fever, headache, muscle aches, painful or difficult urination, vaginal discharge, and swollen glands in the groin area.

Doctors can diagnose genital herpes by looking at visible sores if the outbreak is typical, and by taking a sample from the sore for testing in a lab. Herpes can be difficult to diagnose between outbreaks. Blood tests, which detect HSV-1 or HSV-2 antibodies, can help to detect herpes.

Many people have blisters and sores that come back after the first herpes attack goes away. This is called a recurrence. Usually, the symptoms aren't as bad as they were during the first attack.

Stress, being sick or being tired may start a recurrence. Being in the sun or having your menstrual period may also cause a recurrence. You may know when a recurrence is about to happen because you may feel itching, tingling or pain in the places where you were first infected.

Some Homeopathic Medicines-
Natrum mur, Petroleum Causticu, Crot-t, Dulcamara, Graphites, Hepar-sulph, Medorrhinum, Merc-sol, Sepia, Tellurium, Thuja, Anancardium, Aur-met, Calcarea, Crot-h, Jug-r, Nit-ac, Ph-ac, Sars, Sili, Ter, Rhus-tox.

This is the case of a man (Mr C.L.) aged 44 years old. Who came to me for herpes genitalis .He had blisters on glans penis with itching, burning pain, fever, head ache. On 13/02/07 he was prescribed following medicines. ACID NIT.1M, APIS MEL 200, MERC. SOL. 200, SILICEA 0/10. For one month.
He came on 13/03/07 repeated same for two months. Follow-up on16/05/07 patient came with on blister, pain and itching. He was repeated same medicines. He came after three months on 17/08/07 with recurrence of blisters and other related symptoms. He was prescribed CANNABIS SAT. 200. Along with above medicines for one month.  
He came on 22/09/07 with improvement. He was prescribed APIS MEL 200, CANNABIS SAT 200, MERC SOL 200, SILICEA 0/10, SYPHILINUM 1M. For one month.                                                                                                                                   

He came after eight months on dated 05/07/08 with blisters on glans, pain, itching. He was prescribed SILICEA 0/10, ACID NIT 10M, CANNBIS SAT 200, SYPHLINUM 1M, R-1. For one month.

He came on 06/08/08 with no blisters. He was prescribed same medicines for one month. He came on 13/11/08 with no symptoms. He was prescribed P.L. He came on 04/12/08 with no symptoms. He was discharged cured.

Dr. G. S. Bhatnagar
D.H.M.S.  B.H.M.S.
Research officer
Sewa Mandir
Mobile 9829978284

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Acute Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the large airways that branch off the trachea. The bronchial tubes carry air into lungs. When these tubes get affected by some irritant as infection of some virus, bacteria or fungus, or gases, smoke, dust particles or some types of pollution, too cold or warm air etc., they swell and thick fluid mucus is formed inside them. This causes cough and difficulty in breathing. 

Symptoms lasting up to 90 days are usually classified as acute bronchitis; symptoms lasting longer are usually classified as chronic bronchitis. When chronic bronchitis occurs with decreased expiratory airflow, it is considered a defining characteristic of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Causes of acute bronchitis -
Acute bronchitis occurs most often during the winter, the trouble starts as common cold and travels down to cause acute bronchitis. Contrary to doctors belief researches have shown that viral and not bacterial infection is the common cause of bronchitis.  Viral bronchitis may be caused by a number of common viruses, including the influenza virus. Bacterial bronchitis follows a viral upper respiratory infection. Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae are the bacteria that often cause acute bronchitis in young adults. In rare cases, Bordetella pertussis infection (whooping cough) and very rarely, an infection by a fungus can cause acute bronchitis. Exposure to an irritant (such as smoke, dust or pollutants in the air) may cause bronchitis. Smokers, factory workers and people who have chronic lung diseases may have repeated attacks of acute bronchitis and will take more time to recover. Under nutrition increases the risk of upper respiratory tract infections and subsequent acute bronchitis. Children with enlarged tonsils and adenoids, chronic sinus infections, bronchiectasis and allergies have increased risk of repeated episodes of acute bronchitis. .
The viruses spread into air through breathe, sneeze or cough and expectoration or onto people’s hands when they cough. A person can get infected if he/she breathe-in these viruses. One can also get it if one touches a hand that is coated with the viruses.

People who have gastroesophogeal reflux disease (GERD) can develop acute bronchitis when stomach acids get into the bronchial tree.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis -
The symptoms of acute bronchitis can include sore throat, chills and body aches with moderate fever but higher if bronchitis is caused by influenza virus, cough initially dry but later on that may bring up clear, yellow or green mucus. The color change of expectoration does not indicate bacterial infection but it means that the cells associated with inflammation have moved into it. Chest congestion, shortness of breath and wheezing may occur due impairment of airflow may be aggravated or triggered by common exposures, such as inhaling mild irritants (for example perfume, strong odors, or exhaust fumes) or cold air. 
In acute bronchitis cough may persist up to several weeks after the other symptoms clear up. It would be the last symptom to go.

Complications - The persons who are older, or who have problems with immune defenses or have advanced underlying chronic lung disease may get serious complications, such as acute respiratory failure or pneumonia.
 Diagnosis -
Diagnosis of bronchitis is mainly based on the symptoms. High or prolonged or both fever favours diagnosis of pneumonia. A chest x-ray is done to exclude pneumonia, mainly when the person has breathlessness and there is wheezing or congestion in the lungs.
Throat swab can be used to detect influenza, sputum or a chest x-ray for evidence of pneumonia. If a cough persists for more than 2 months, a chest x-ray is done to exclude an underlying lung disease, such as lung cancer.
Treatment - 
Acute bronchitis is a self limiting disease. Take plenty of rest, drink lots of non caffeinated fluids (for example, water and fruit juices). Sometimes increasing the humidity in environment helps reducing irritation so symptoms of limited airflow can be helped with cool-mist humidifiers or steam vaporizers.

Do not suppress a cough that brings up mucus with cough suppressant. Some people may get bronchospasm if mucus expectoration is suppressed. As acute bronchitis is usually caused by viruses, antibiotics do not help. Even if the coughed up mucus is colored or thick, antibiotics may not help.
One should avoid irritating environment and a smoker should
 quit smoking for faster recovery and healing of bronchial tree.

The cough from acute bronchitis lasts for several weeks or months this as the bronchial tree takes a long time to heal. Still other problem such as asthma or pneumonia should be ruled out.

Homoeopathy offer a good lot of medicines for acute bronchitis but they work well only when selected on the homoeopathic line, so always consult your physician. Following list exemplifies certain conditions and medicines -

Bronchitis acute
Aconitum n., ammonium-carb., am-iod., am-phos., antim-ars., antim-iod., ant-t., ars-iod., ars alb., asclepias-tub., Belladona., blatta-orient., Bromium, Bryonia, Causticum., chamomilla ., colchicum., copaiv., Dulcamara, eupatorium-per., euphrasia, Ferrum-phos, gelsemium., grindelia., Heper sulph., hyoscyamus., Ipecac., Kali-bi., lobelia., mang-act., Mercurius., morgan – pure (bacillus), nat-sulph., nit-ac., Phos., Puls., rhus-t., Rumx.,Sang., Sangin-n., spong., Squilla., sticta., sulph., thuja.,tuberculinum, zincum.

With –

- Constant urging to cough - stann-i.
- Emphysema – Ledum p.
- Fever - ant-t.
- Perspiration; cold - ant-t.
- Respiration; asthmatic - Blatta-o.
- Sleep; comatose - Ant.t.
- Sleepiness – Ant.t., tub.
- Violent complaints - Acon., ant-t., bell., bry.
- Weakness - Ammc.

Alternating with – Diarrhea - Seneg.

Asthmatic - Ephedra.

Coryza followed by complaints of chest -
All-c., am-c., am-m., aral., ars-i., brom., Bry., carb-v., euphr., ign., iod., Ip., kali-c., lac-c., lap-a., lyc., mang., Merc., nux-v., Phos., sang., sep., sil., stict., sulph.

Expectoration difficult - Canth.

Old people - All-c., Am-c., Ammc., ant-c., Ant.t., ars., Camph., Carb-v., Dros., Hippoz., Hydr., kreos., led., Lyc., Nux-v.,Seneg., squil.,verat.

Bronchitis – toxemic - Am-c., ant-t., bry., colch., diphtox., Merc-c.

Cold weather; from – Dulc., hep., ip., mang-act.

Wet weather agg. - Syc.(bacillus sycoccus)

Winter; in - kali-s., sil., syc.

How to prevent bronchitis
A meticulous hygiene personal as well as in our vicinity is the best ways to keep from getting acute bronchitis. Wash hands often to kill any viruses before they get into body. Use handkerchief when coughing or sneezing. Don’t spit any or everywhere, dispose away discharges as sputum etc. in a hygienic manner.  

Keep enough protection from weather and seasonal effects.

For smokers the best defense is to quit smoking. Smoking damages bronchial tree and makes it easier for viruses to cause infection. Smoking also slows down the healing process, so it takes longer to get well.

Dr. M. K. Tyagi
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.Research Officer
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926