Friday, June 3, 2011

Uterine Fibroid

A uterine fibroid (also uterine myoma,leiomyoma, fibromyoma, leiofibromyoma, fibroma and fibroleiomyoma) is a benign (non-cancerous) tumor that originates from the smooth muscle layer (myometrium) and the accompanying connective tissue of the uterus.

Fibroids, particularly when small, may be entirely asymptomatic. Symptoms depend on the location of the lesion and its size. Important symptoms include abnormal gynecologic hemorrhage, heavy or painful periods, abdominal discomfort or bloating, painful defecation, back ache urinary frequency or retention, There may also be pain during intercourse, depending on the location of the fibroid. During pregnancy they may be the cause of miscarriage, bleeding and premature labour.


Bimanual examination
can be used to define the depiction of the size and location of the fibroids within the uterus.

Coexisting disorders
Heavy vaginal bleeding
Anemia and iron deficiency
Constipation and bloatedness

Most fibroids do not require treatment unless they are causing symptoms. After menopause fibroids shrink and it is unusual for fibroids to cause problems.
 This is the case of a lady aged 26 years old. She came to me with pain abdomen, vomiting, profuse menses last fifteen days, leucorrhea thin with itching, B/L renal colic, bleeding clotted. She advised for USG abdomen.
Her USG report was [7.2 to 8.7mm calculi in Rt 7.9 to 9.7mm calculi in Lt ,22.4,24.2, 26.3mm fibroids are seen.]
On 25/05/09 following medicines prescribed B – 34, berberis vulgaris, caulophylum, conium, calculina.
She came on 08/06/09 with profuse bleeding. She was prescribed medicines for bleeding [millfolium Q, phosphorus, TBP Q]
On 22/06/09 repeated same medicines as 25/05/09 for fifteen days.
She came back on 07/07/09 with much improvement in bleeding, leucorrhea but renal still there.
 Repeat same medicines as 25/05/09 for fifteen days. She advised for USG.
 Follow up on 22/07/09 [USG- nephrolithiasis, no FIBROIDS]
On 23/05/11 she came after two years with renal colic. Burning pain with difficult urination She advised for USG abdomen.
USG report is (6.7 to 7.1mm calculi in Rt and 12.6mm calculus at lower 1/3 of Rt ureter, UTERUS IS NORMAL)
Medicines prescribed for renal stones.

Dr. G. S. Bhatnagar
D.H.M.S. B.H.M.S.
Research officer
Sewa Mandir
Mobile: 9829978284

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