Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Mrs. K.V.  40 yrs.  female    hindu   married    non-vegetarian    Nursing Staff
Diagnosis – Post Tubectomy Melancholy, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Anal fissure, Colitis, Obesity.
Patient came with complain that since 15 yrs. after tubectomy she suffered episodes of sudden sinking and faintness with vertigo, blurred vision and heaviness in head. It may occur any time but more often during scanty menses. She felt better if menses flow was good. Head pain before menses better during flow, after eructation or flatus. Desire to lie down as always felt tired with aversion to work. Every thing seems gloomy.
Leucorrhea – thin yellowish discharge with pain in hypogastrium. Menses regular for three days, very scanty since 15 yrs. Pain uterus one day before and on first day of menses, better by pressure, lying on abdomen. Had two male issues.
Patient got tubectomy done 15 yrs. back, which got infected and suppurated. She was reoperated and pus was drained under cover of antibiotics. She stated that her all troubles started after operation.

Abdomen distended with hollow tone on percussion, better after eating. Burning anus after stool due to fissure.
USG showed Liver enlarged and Pelvic inflammatory disease.
Patient feels dull and sad. Short tempered becomes abusive. Get emotional hurt easily. Memory poor for numbers. Concentration decreased, could not do things in an organized way if got more than two works to do at a time.
Averse milk and salad, likes meat and oily food. Sun and heat aggravate. Perspiration more on face and body, stains yellow on cloths.
Patient’s mother got depression and hysteric convulsions after hysterectomy, father has IHD and hypertension, of four sisters two are said to be mentally dull and one has been diagnosed malignant  tumor in brain. Uncles have mental sickness.
Patient was obese, weight 86 kg., height 5’ 1 ½”. Prominent vaccine marks. Brown spots on both cheeks. Blood pressure 120/80.
12/03/10     Rx  1. Pulsatilla         200    two doses at 10 minutes interval
                         2. L. S.               30     one tablet twice a day for 15 days
26/03/10  Vertigo was relieved but there was an aggravation for about a week as patient felt increased flatulence and eructation, weariness and restless sleep for two nights after Pulsatilla but after that things were improved. Now, sleep is sound, vertigo did not occur after 18th as menses appeared with a good flow. Anal fissure healed as there was no burning.
                     Rx  1. P.L.             200    two doses at 10 minute interval
                           2. L. S.            30     one tablet twice a day for 15 days
12/04/10 Much better but feeling recurrence of pains from two days. Menses is due on 16th or 18th.
B. P. - 106/80.
                      Rx  1. Pulsatilla         200     two doses at 10 minute interval
                            2. L. S.               30      one tablet twice a day for 10 days
14/05/10 Head pain since two days - before menses, pain uterus before menses and Itching and eruption pudenda before menses. Menses appeared today. Weight 84 kg.
                       Rx  1. Pulsatilla         1M     two doses at 10 minute interval
                             2. L. S.                30     one tablet twice a day for 10 days
                             3. Silicea              30     4 doses four hourly on next day if pains do not subside after pulsatilla.
Patient took Silicea doses on next day. Thereafter  pains and eruptions disappeared and never  appeared again till this date. Her work efficiency has improved and she now gets neither vertigo nor fainting.

Dr. M. K. Tyagi
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.Research Officer
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926
Email: 1.sewamandir@usa.net, 2.manju_mkt2003@yahoo.co.in

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