Enterobiasis that is pin worms infestation causes more nonsense than any other worm but it is said to be the least obstinate type and the most easily curable infestation. Still the patient suffered and persistently demanded treatment for 18 yrs. but when got correct homoeopathic medicine not only relieved but felt so good that she stopped taking medicine and almost one year has passed when she is trouble free.
Ms. R. student 18 yrs Hindu Female single Non vegetarian
Diagnosis – Enterobiasis / oxyuriasis.
H/o Treatment - The patient has taken several courses of mebendazole, pyrantel palmoate etc. in last 10 yrs. with temporary relief.
Complaints –
- Constipation since early hood. Stool scanty, hard, small like sheep dung, yellow, stick together with
mucus and Pin warms.
mucus and Pin warms.
- Urge - 8- 10 times a day since 10 years as she remembers.
- Pin worms and anus burning, itching more at night since 10 years.
- Itching vulva. Frequency of urination sometimes.
- Appetite increased. Eats several times in a day.
- Nose - Since more than one & half year sneezing and watery discharge in morning for one & half hours, aggravates in cooler, when brooms or dusting.
- Face – Pimples & white heads.
- Thirst less.
- Desires meat & fish, salt.
- Adverse milk & milk products.
- Perspires on upper lip, nose and chin (face), Axillae.
- Chilly, always sleeps with cover takes blanket even during summer nights.
- Takes hot both in winter at 2-3 days interval.
- Sleep-Deep. Lies on abdomen. Talks during sleep.
- Dreams frequent, pleasant, of day events.
- Anger violent, averse of being lone in house but with to be alone in her room.
- Fears in dark, climbing down, height.
- Anger violent, averse of being lone in house but with to be alone in her room.
- Fears in dark, climbing down, height.
- Weight 42 kg. Hight-5'.
- Patient was born normal of delayed labor, suffered gastroenteritis at age 14 months.
- Mother has sciatica, hypotension, oral ulcers & lock jaw due to gutkha habit .
- Father has anxiety neurosis, hypertension.
- Brother suffers from tonsillitis. Had pulmonary tuberculosis.
1. Nux vomica 1m : Two dose to take at 10 minute interval
2. P.L. 30 : Two tablets twice a day
8/7/08 No change
1. P.L. 30 :Two tablets twice a day
Mother’s statement –Patient was constipated since infancy and had pinworms in early child hood . Mile stones were normal. She is very demanding for her proper treatment.
- Patient menarche age 14 years. Menses late 10 to 15 days but flow for 7 days, profuse for first 3 days.
- Lumber back pain 1 day before menses.
- Irritability during menses. Averse to work during menses.
1. Natrum mur 10 M :2 dose at 10 minute interval
2. P.L. 30 :2 tablets twice a day
- Anal Itching was subsided third day onward but recurred since three days.
- Constipation unchanged
- Appetite decreased toward normal but feels internal trembling if does not eat.
- Nasal discharge and sneezing -0
- Chilliness unchanged, must cover at night
- Weight – 43 ½ k.g.
1. Nihilum 1M : 2 doses at 10 minute interval
2. P.L. 30 : 2 tablets twice a day
- Anus itching nearly -0
- Bowel moves once daily.
- Pin worms off & on
- Menses on 11 th August. Bleeding less copious. Was less painful.
- Sleep – sound
- Chillness night unchanged.
1. Nihilum 1m : 2 doses at 10 minutes interval
2. P.L. 30 : Two tablets twice a daily
- Bowel moves once daily. Worms recurred for last few days.
- Menses on 15 th September .Was trouble free.
- Covers at night in bed, says more out of habit !!
- Appetite- normal.
- Acne face, itching.
- Weight 44 kg.
1.Natrum mur 10 M 2 doses at 10 minutes interval.
2.P.L. 30 2 tablets twice daily for 1 month
3.Sulphur 200 2 doses to take on 8 th day
after Natnum mur,
After this prescription patient did not reported and stopped medication. Her father informed me that she was o.k. and has no complication or pin worm.
Dr. M. K. Tyagi
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.
Research Officer
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926
Email: manju_mkt2003@yahoo.co.in
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