Monday, November 29, 2010



    Avascular necrosis is a condition that results from poor blood supply to an area of bone causing bone death. This is a serious condition because the dead areas of bone do not function normally, are weakened and can collapse.

     Aseptic necrosis can be caused by trauma and damage to the blood vessels that supply oxygen to its bone. Other causes of poor blood circulation to the bone include an embolisum 0f air or fat that blocks the blood flow through the blood vessels.
                     ·  Hyper coaguable state [abnormally thick blood]
                     ·  Vasculitis [inflammation of the blood vessel walls]
                     · Steroid usage.
                     · Cushing`s syndrome
                     · Radiation exposure
                     · Sickle cell disease
                     · Pancreatitis
                     · Guachar’s disease
                     · Systemic lupus erythematosus

      In the early stages of avascular necrosis, patients may not have any symptoms.
      As the disease progresses, however, most patients experience joint pain at first only when putting weight on the affected joint and even when resting.
       Pain usually develop gradually and may be mild or severe.
       If vascular necrosis progresses and the bone and surrounding joint surfaces collapse, pain may develop or increase dramatically.
       Pain may be severe enough to limit the patient`s range of motion in the affected joint.
       The period of time between the first symptoms and loss of joint function is different for each patient, ranging from several months to more than year.

Bilberry, ginkgobiloba, angelica sinensis, allium sativum, evening primrose, angustra vera, argentum met, calcarea fluor, calcarea phos, fluoricum acidcum, mezereum, phosphoricum, silicea, strontium carb.

This is the case of a man (Mr. J. P.) aged 29 years with severe pain in left hip joint. Pain extended from hip to knee. Severe hip joint pain would prevent his daily activities. Pain aggravated by standing, walking, sitting.   Ameliorate by lying. He had bursting headaches which is ameliorate by sleep. He had thirst for large quantity of water and desire for spice food.
This was a diagnosed case of avascular necrosis of hip joint (AVN)
He came on 11/05 /10 with MRI report. He was prescribed following medicines.

A) Gikgobiloba               Q TDS
B) Stramonium                1M
C) Bryonia                      200 OD
D) Ammonium mur.         30 TDS
E) Carbo veg.                  200 OD
F) Bell+ natrum mur.        0/3 sos

He was called after one month for his follow up

Ist follow up
On 12/06/10 his hip pain was better. No headache but have pain in heel aggravate by standing and ameliorate by sitting. He was given cimicifuga 30 and cyclamen 30 along above medicines for one month.
 IInd follow up
He was reported on 29/07/10 with improvement. He was repeated same medicines for one month.     
IIIrd follow up
On 11/09/10 he was reported 80 % improvement in pain of hip joint.
IVth follow up
On 22/11/10 he had no pain hip, no headache. He was completely asymptomatic. Medicines repeated.

Dr. G. S. Bhatnagar
D.H.M.S.  B.H.M.S.
Research officer
Sewa Mandir
Mobile 9829978284

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Chikungunya also known Chicken Guinea is a kind of viral fever caused by alpha virus which is called Chikungunya Virus or Chicken Guinea virus. The word chikengunya is from Maconde language in Africa and it means “that which bends up”.
The disease is spread by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes which are active only during the day time. These mosquitoes lay their eggs in fresh water only.


Chikungunya (Chicken Guinea) is not a fatal disease, but if the affected person has other complications, the Chikungunya disease symptoms may aggravate and may result in complications and may even pose threat to life.
The symptoms may appear from day one to twelve after mosquito bite. The chikungunya starts with high (upto 104° Fahrenheit) temperature with or without chill, pain in body and all the major joints with swelling. In some cases nausea, vomiting, skin rashes on limbs and trunk, severe headache and conjunctivitis can also be found. Usually the fever subsides within 2 to 3 days but the joint pain and swelling is the most troublesome symptom and last for several days to several months.

Diagnosis of Chikungunya

WHO recommends certain criteria to diagnose chikungunya, are –
1. Clinical criteria : acute onset of fever with temperature 100° F or above and severe joint pain not explained by any other medical conditions.
2. Epidemiological criteria : Patient residing or having visited the epidemic area has been reported transmission, in last 15 days previous to the onset of symptoms.
3. Laboratory criteria: At least one of the following tests must be positive. It is necessary as the disease simulates the deadly Dengue fever.
a. Four time increase in HI (Hemagglutination Inhibition) antibody difference in a paired serum sample.                        
     This becomes positive in 5 – 8 days of infection.
b. Detection of IgM Antibodies. These remain positive for 6 months.
c. Isolation of virus from the blood.
d. Detection of virus nucleic acid from serum by RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction). This should be conducted within 5 days of infection. 

Chikungunya Treatment: 

Chikungunya is a violent viral disease. Treatment includes taking sufficient rest, fluid and food and proper medicine but avoid aspirin as it harms stomach. Homeopathic treatment for Chikungunya is very effective. Homoeopathic treatment should be started as early as possible. It can be continued along with conventional treatment (allopathy) if desired. Conventional treatment consists of only symptomatic treatment of fever, stiffness, joint pain etc. of this viral illness, but homeopathic medicines give better and comparatively long lasting relief from the disease.
In homoeopathy Arnica, Cedron, China, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Influenzinum, Pyrogenum, Rhus tox, Belladona, Bryonia, Pulsatilla, Arsenicum alb., Cocculus i., Ruta, Plumbum met., Argentum met., Chamomilla, Symphytum, Acid Formic, Boswellia ser., Curcuma longa, Zingiber etc. are effective medicines. Which of these or some other medicine will help you, your doctor can tell as homoeopathic medicines are prescribed on clinical evidences. Homeopathic pills are simply dissolved on/under tongue. Homeopathic medicines do not cause gastric irritation, are safe on kidneys and liver even when taken for long duration.
Homeopathic medicines are equally effective for post-chikungunya complaints like weakness, stiffness in joints, muscles pain etc.

Prevention of Chikungunya

The best way to avoid infection is to prevent mosquito bites. Infected persons should be protected from further mosquito exposure (staying indoors and/or under a mosquito net during the first few days of illness) so that they can't contribute to the transmission cycle.  
In epidemics, prevention of the disease can be achieved by administering Homeopathic "Genus Epidemicus". A Genus Epidemicus is the homeopathic medicine that is chosen as a preventive remedy for that particular epidemic in that particular locality on the basis of manifested symptom collected during the epidemic. Also
• Use mosquito repellent on exposed skin.
• Wear long sleeves shirts and pants.
• Have secure screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out.
• Get rid of mosquito breeding sites by emptying standing water from flower pots, buckets and barrels. Change the water in pet dishes and replace the water in bird baths weekly. Spray mosquitocide in open water bodies.

Dr. M. K. Tyagi
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.Research Officer
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926

Monday, November 22, 2010


Mr. G. S. 62 yrs.     hindu    male     married        vegetarian
 C/o Stranguary, pain urinary bladder. Constipation.  
USG 04/07/10 – Right Kidney – moderate Hydronephrosis, few calculi size 4 -7 mm in middle calyx, Right hydroureter due to a calculus size 11mm at 5 cm distal to rt. Pelvi- ureteric junction.
            Left kidney – a calculus size 6 mm seen in upper calyx.
   7/07/10    Rx    1. Sulphur                   200      one dose.
                           2. Calcarea renalis 4x    thrice a day.
                           3. Berberis vul.       Q   10 drops twice a day
                           4. Acid Phosphoric 30   thrice a day  
                           5. Colocynthese       Q   10 drops in ½ cup of water during
                                                                  pain as and when require.
                           6. Dioscorea             Q   10 drops in ½ cup of water during
                                                                   pain as and when require.
The medicines continued  with symptomatic relief.
 12/08/10    USG - Right Kidney – 6.1 mm calculus and few crystals seen.
                                  Left Kidney – 5.4 mm calculus and few crystals seen.
                         Rx       1. Sulphur            200      one dose.
                                    2.Calcarea renalis  4x       thrice a day.
                                    3. Berberis vul.       Q       10 drops twice a day
                                    4. Acid Phosphoric 30      thrice a day
11/09/10  Pain lumber region.
USG – Right Kidney - 5.7 and 6.3 mm calculi seen.
            Left Kidney  -  5.4 and 4.7 mm calculi seen.
                         Rx        1. Sulphur             200      one dose.
                                     2.Calcarea phos     30       thrice a day.
                                     3. Berberis vul.       30       thrice a day
                                     4. Hydrangia           Q       twice a day
12/10/10     lumber back pain off and on.
                      USG - Left Kidney – 6.1 mm calculus seen.
                                 Prostate – 25.6 gms.                                                                              
                      The medicines were repeated.
13/11/10  U S G -  Both kidneys crystals seen. Urinary Bladder normal.
                                 Prostate – 23.5 gm
                                Post voiding residual urine – 245 cc ?
Patient was symptomless. Passes urine 2-3 times a day and rarely once at night.
                            Rx  1. Thuja                   200   one dose weekly.
                                  2. Berberis vulg.        30   thrice a day.
                                  3. Calcarea phos.      30   thrice a day.
                                  4. Hydrangia              Q   10 drops twice a day.

Dr. M. K. Tyagi
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.Research Officer
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Mrs. R. M.         33 yrs.     hindu      female        married               non-vegetarian
Diagnosis – Hemorrhoids.
Patient has piles appeared during third month of pregnancy after she started taking calcium, iron and folic acid and aggravated from last four months after a normal delivery.  Piles were swollen, bleeding and itch intensely but were painless. Stools were of normal consistency sometimes stained with blood.
Patient was a state level athlete, serving in forces. She had taken injectable steroids during sports days and had hair growth on chin and upper lip which she had to pluck every day. Hairs on other parts were normal.
Appetite – Normal,   Thirst – Normal,         Sleep – Normal.
3/09/10   Rx   1. Kali carb.   30    2 pills thrice a day.
                      2. Nihilinum  200    once a day.
                      3. S. L.        200    Two doses to take at 10 minutes interval.
23/09/10 Piles swelling  0,  itching  0 and no bleeding during stool. Hair growth increased.
Had menses at scheduled time, were painless this month (on 14th). There used to be pain in lumber region with stiffness on first day of menses specially in morning.
There was pain in bath knees better by pressure and aggravated at rest and winters.
Perspiration occurs in axillae and chest.
                  Rx   1. Phytum    200   two doses to be taken at 10 minutes interval weekly.
                         2. Nihilinum 200   once a day.                               
                         3. Rubrum     30   thrice a day.
29/10/10   Hair growth decreased, now pluck out once in three days while was plucking every day. Joints pain – no change.
                  Rx   1. Kali carb.    30  two doses to take at 10 minutes interval weekly.
                         2. Nihilinum   200  once a day.
                         3. Rubrum       30  thrice a day.

Dr. M. K. Tyagi
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.
Research Officer 
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Mrs. U P            47yrs   female   hindu          married     vegetarian
Lecturer (Hindi)
Diagnosis – Menopausal dysfunctional  uterine bleeding since 4 yrs. Migraine from 35 yrs.
The patient had excessive (copious) and protracted uterine bleeding at every menstrual cycle from last four years. It persisted 15 – 20 days every time. Usually the menses was regular but sometimes it was delayed for 2 or 3 months still the bleeding pattern was unchanged. The patient first reported on 14/08/10, it was 2nd day after the menses appeared and bleeding was profuse.
Weakness and vertigo.          
Desire sweet after meal, averses milk specially in morning. Dreams of falling from height, being thrown by someone, frightful –shrieks from dream.
Fears ghost at cross of roads. Mild and gentle.
                            1.  Sepia       1M                    two doses at 10 minute interval
                             2. Thuja         30                    twice a day for 3 days.
17/08/10  Bleeding less copious first time in last four yrs.
                               1. S.L.        1M                   two doses at 10 minute interval
                         2. Nihilinum     30                  twice a day for 3 days.
21/08/10     Bleeding stopped on 20th  August.
                              1. S.L.         1M                  two doses at 10 minute interval
                        2.Nihilinum    30                   twice a day for 14 days.
07/09/10    Head pain continued day and night, needed  analgesics. Vertigo 
                  morning after rising from bed, better  in day time.
                             1. Natrum mur.   30             two doses at 10 minute interval.
                             2. Nihilinum        30             twice a day for 7 days                                                    

28/09/10    Head pain 0, but vertigo were continued, aggravated in
                  morning due to hasty 
morning schedule.
                            1. Sepia              1M              two doses at 10 minute interval.
                            2. Nihilinum          30              twice a day for 14 days.

23/10/10     Menses absent since 13th  August. No head pain, no vertigo.
                   Lumber back pain aggravated after exertion, sitting cross leg, 
                   squatting. Knees pain aggravated sitting cross leg, squatting.                                                       
                            1. Calcarea carb.       200           two doses at 10 minute interval
                                                                               every week.
                            2. Nihilinum                30             twice a day for 14 days.

Dr. M. K. Tyagi
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.
Research Officer 
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Fibroadenoma is a lump commonly occurs in breast of young female. It is a smooth, rubbery or hard lump that moves easily within the breast tissue therefore also called “breast mice” as it slips away between the examining fingers. They are made of glandular and fibrous breast tissue and are benign (non-cancerous) lumps most commonly found in women in their late teens to 30 yrs. of age but can occur in women of any age. Increasingly, they are being seen in postmenopausal women who are taking hormone replacement therapy.

The painless lump very often is found by the woman herself. They vary in size and can grow anywhere in the breast tissue. The best time for self examination is after menstrual cycle is over. Most women develop these lumps during the first half of the cycle, which then goes away naturally on its own. If the lumps do not disappear after the menstrual cycle is over, consult a qualified physician immediately to ascertain the exact nature of the lump, whether it is benign or not. Fibroadenomas may become tender in the days before a period or grow bigger during pregnancy or breast feeding. This is correlated with increased level of Estrogen hormone. Same explains the postmenopausal occurrence of fibroadenoma in a woman taking hormone replacement therapy.
 Fibroadenomas can occur alone, in groups or as a complex. Multiple or complex fibroadenomas raise risk of breast cancer slightly.
 The tumor in patient less than 20 years of age has a much more cellular stroma than the usual fibroadenoma, and the ductal component most often has a pericanalicular pattern. In some of these tumors the intraductal epithelial hyperplasia is seen, although the proliferation lacks changes suggestive of ductal carcinoma in situ.
Fibroadenomas range in size from one to five cm, (0.39 inches to nearly two inches). Giant fibroadenomas can be the size of a small lemon, about 15 cm (5.9 inches).
The size may be the result of stromal proliferation or may be due to increased connective tissue mucin. Lactating fibroadenomas (also called lactating adenomas) occur during pregnancy, are often rapidly growing with histological signs of secretory activity. 
While the type of lump can recognize simply by feeling it, generally, the diagnosis is confirmed by mammography or ultrasound and fine-needle aspiration to distinguish it from cyst or other form tumors. Fibroadenoma is not cancer and does not lead to cancer but sometimes a clinical examination, USG, mammogram cannot distinguish between a fibroadenoma or a cancer and therefore some type of breast biopsy is indicated.
Fibroadenomas appear circumscribed, oval or lobulated tumours on mammograph; sometimes the border is ill defined. In contrast, a cancerous lump appears more irregularly shaped and extended out into the surrounding tissues. Calcifications are common, especially in postmenopausal women. The so-called popcorn calcifications are pathognomonic for fibroadenoma. Initially the calcifications are small and punctate, and may be difficult to differentiate from malignant calcifications.
The fine-needle aspiration procedure takes only a few seconds and causes no more pain than having a blood test. The procedure involves inserting a very thin needle attached to a syringe into the lump. If the lump is a cyst, the fluid in the cyst will be drawn into the syringe, and the lump will disappear. If the lump is solid, a small sample of cells will be removed and examined under a microscope to rule out the possibility of a cancerous tumor.
Causes of fibroadenoma:
There is no confirmed cause of fibroadenomas but from their occurrence at the time of menses when estrogen level is at its peak and in postmenopausal woman taking estrogen therapy (HRT – hormone replacement therapy) they are thought to be affected by estrogen.
Treatment of Fibroadenomas:   
A In very young women, the fibroadenoma is not removed yet sometimes these tumors enlarge with pregnancy and breastfeeding,  surgical removal may be recommended  but Homoeopathy has number of medicines which not only resolve but also prevent recurrence of fibroadenoma.  Following homoeopathic medicines are found effective when prescribed as per indications - 
Belladonna, Calcarea flour, Calcarea iod, Carbo animalis, Conium,  Graphite, Hydrastis, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Phellendrinum, Plumbum iodum, Scirrhnum, Scrophularia nodosa, Silicea, Thuja, Thyroidinum, Tuberculibum etc.
For fibrocystic nodes Phosphorus, phytolacca, Pulsatilla or Silicea may be indicated. For hard nodes Calcerea flour, Carbo animalis or Conium is generally recommended.
Above are few medicines more commonly indicated but your physician can only decide which of the above or some other homoeopathic medicine will suit you.
Some traditional treatments

Appling hot compress to the breasts is one of the oldest and effective remedy. It should be applied for ½ to 1 hour. A towel soaked in castor oil on the affected area and a heating pad on top of it can be used. You can also apply castor oil or evening primrose oil directly to the affected breast and massage it.

Adding fresh ginger to your tea and drinking that regularly. Take low fat and meat and high fiber and soya products in diet. Also, increase the intake of olive oil and fatty fish in diet if your non-vegetarian. Include flex seeds, flex seed oil, and fish oil in diet. Vitamin C and E help in the reduction of excess estrogen. Excess amount of estrogen is known to cause lumps and pain in the breast so vitamin C and E supplements are recommended.

Avoid drinking alcohol altogether and taking caffeine and chocolates as well.
Dr. M. K. Tyagi
D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.
Research Officer 
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926

Friday, November 12, 2010


Mr. H G       27 yrs. Male         vegetarian

Diagnosis : Fistula in ano since 2003.

Patient had perianal fistula discharging almost continuously since seven years. Blood mixed offensive discharge staining the under cloths 3 or 4 times a week. Itching aggravated after stool. Discharge aggravated after stool, mental stress and physical exertion. Sometimes there was drawing pulsating pain in the fistula. 

History of piles with perianal abscess relieved by antibiotics.

       1. Causticum         200    two doses at 10 minutes interval

              2. Phytum            30      two pills thrice a day

              3. Rubrum            200    two pills once a day

Fistula discharge twice only and no discharge after 2/02/2010 onward.

       1. Causticum         200   two doses at 10 minutes interval

              2. Phytum             30    two pills thrice a day

              3. Rubrum            200   two pills once a day

Caustium 200 was repeated on 15/03/2010 thereafter patient remained trouble free except general skin itching and some drawing sense in perineum for few days in April which subsided without any other medication.

Fistula in perineum, pulsating pain in fistula and aggravation from mental and physical stress were the key symptoms for selection of medicine.

Dr. M. K. Tyagi

D.H.M.S., Dip. N.I.H.
Research Officer 
Sewa Mandir
Mobile" 09829157926

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sewa Mandir’s Approach Toward Patient And Treatment

In the present globalization where manmade boundaries are breaking down fast, something of reverse osmosis is taking place. The role of modern medicine is being questioned and there is renewed interest in the natural, untreated, unaltered products of nature to heal the mind, body and soul. The mindset, thought process and insight into the mystic strength of complementary medicine is gaining ground. The gift of ageless ability is catching the fancy of people.
Two Fundamental Principles that Herbal Medicines share with Other Alternative Therapies -
Concept of working with the body instead of against a disease. It enhances the body’s innate ability to fight disease and return itself to health.
Herbs play central role in Homoeopathy, Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine and Naturpathy. In addition medicinal plants are connected to nutritional therapies because some herbs such as onion & garlic are food also.
It is well known fact that 25% of all pharmaceuticals are still derived from the plants. Malaria drug quinine was extracted from South American Cinchona bark. Digitalis is used to treat congestive heart failure which, comes from foxglove. Aspirin is an extract of white willow bark. The active ingredient of Listerine is antiseptic thymol which comes from thyme essential oil. To speed up healing of wounds Symphytum derivative allantoin is used. The taxol compound derived from Yew tree(Taxus baccata) is being used to treat breast & ovarian cancer.
The research by randomized placebo controlled, double blind trials of Ginkgo biloba at Albert Einstein College of Medicine proved that out of 309 people diagnosed with Alzheimer disease it was found that Ginkgo significantly slowed the mental deterioration. The results were published in JAMA.
Herbs are safer to take because they are less potent than drugs. Allopathic pharmaceuticals extract chemical constituents from plants or create synthetic versions in the laboratory then pack the substances into the pills or capsules. In herbal product the plant material limits itself of the medicinal compounds. Reduced risk of side effects is a big reason why medicinal herbs have been so popular.


Classical Homoeopathy has been using micro doses of medicinal plants & other sources in treating constitutional problems. It had an excellent track record but it didn’t get global acceptance because of its failure to manage the biggest scourges & killers of mankind viz Heart disease, Cancer & HIV/AIDS & Diabetes. Moreover pure homoeopathy lacked in identifying & diagnosing various complicated problems. Homoeopathy further lacked the research & documentation of its results. Number of international communities & establishment like AMA (American Medical Association) called it only as placebo effect.
The history of mankind’s search of healing plants as natural medicine or folk medicine ultimately can provide the answer as substitute for pharmaceutical drugs which has the strong lobby. The traditional herbal medicine treats the patient, not the disease & overall health of the patient is improved.
In last couple of months SEWA MANDIR have opened a new chapter in Homoeopathy, called "GREEN HOMOEOPATHY" . Perhaps one is aware that in last 200 years or so Homoeopathy as a natural science was able to handle most of the elementary diseases & problems and it had a limited role in resolving the life threatening diseases. With the advancement of main stream medicine, Homoeopathy was left behind to take care of poor or needy people as a non-violent therapy. Due to lack of funds or financial lobby no research was done or any effort made to take it to that proficiency where it could handle the more serious problems. Most of the killer diseases remained untouched like various Heart problems, Diabetic complications, kidney failure, Alzheimers, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Various cancers, HIV & AIDS.
We in Sewa Mandir, accepted this challenge & started a bit of research to unearth and gather the time honoured herbal medicines of India, Ancient Egypt, North & Latin America & China . A number of most tried one Indian herbs were used as Homoeopathic mother tinctures with excellent results and till date we have published about 100 articles in various papers. To expand and consolidate our activities we have acquired a new building just at the back of our present location and purchased the apparatuses, developed a sound library and got the natural herbs from different sources especially from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for example Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake, Dang gui, Bupleurum, Kudzu etc.
In last couple of years our R/D had been doing some research and published articles to develop the awareness among the people about the potential in Green Homoeopathy. So far the following incurable problems have been identified with the scope of Homoeopathy in helping the people.
Green Homoeopathy can strive to make man healthy in the face of chronic stress, pollution & re-emergence of mutative viral diseases like Avian Flu. It can along with microdoses, resolve the illnesses from common allergies to chronic fatigue & cancer.
Green Homoeopathy is the liquid herbal extract also called mother tincture or Q. It is a concentrated liquid containing the herb’s chemical constituents dissolved into a solution of alcohol & water. It preserves the aroma, taste & biological activity of the herb. Alcohol is the only edible solvent which extracts & preserves the herbal constituents. It is a great carrying agent which facilitates the herb’s constituents into the blood stream.
In past two decades the use of herbal medicines have become popular in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Korea & Latin America. South Korea’s economy hinges around GINSENG. The natural therapy along with modern art of treatment has become the best power to heal.
The Egyptian medicine, Indian Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicines and Japanese kampo and the native healing systems of Africa, Australia & America are being now condensed into Green Homoeopathy.
We in SEWA MANDIR are trying to develop a new school of thought to enlarge the horizons of homoeopathy and bring it an honorable status of a recognized science in relationship with modern medicine.


Sewa Mandir is preparing a ground for a very important project, which is becoming increasingly relevant to Indian context. It is about Type 2 diabetes which is an epidemic that is presently exploding in India. With the explosion of disease, treatment modalities are limited & not very easily accepted by the masses in India due to cultural & religious background. Our heritage has always been with therapies originating from our environment rather than chemicals manufactured from laboratories.
Type 2 diabetes is a very complex disease that is due to two main causes, viz. lack of insulin action due to a condition called ‘ Insulin resistance ‘ and finally tiring of the pancreas leading to lack of insulin. If the disease can be treated early by a combination of medicines that can lower insulin resistance and help the pancreas make more insulin, it has been shown that the complications can be prevented.
Allpoathic medicines currently available for treatment of diabetes have several side effects and do not treat ‘Insulin resistance’. Green Homoeopathy will make available medications derived from plant sources that will work at the cellular level to fix the defect that cause ‘Insulin resistance’ . Due to its derivation from plant sources it will have minimal side effects and will increase the compliance by the masses who will use it as a natural remedy with no perceptible side effects.                                                                                                           

3-A Mayur Colony, Alwar Gate, Ajmer 305008 (Rajasthan) - INDIA
Tel.:91-145-2660016, 2660427 Fax. 91-145-2660010